Christ's ministry was one of hospitality, extending a hand and welcoming all with open arms! Following Christ's example, our Hospitality Ministers open doors and warmly greet all that come to worship with us. The role of the Hospitality Minister is extremely important! Often, the Hospitality Minister is the only one to actually speak to many who worship with us each week. They are the ones who make people feel welcome and at home here at St. Thomas More...they are the face of our parish.
Serving as a Hospitality Minister is a wonderful opportunity to get to know other parishioners. We especially invite families to serve in the ministry, as it is a simple way to teach children to help serve others in our community.
This ministry involves one training session a year, and there is ongoing education and support offered throughout the year. Ministers serve once a month at the liturgy they normally attend,but are encourage to serve whenever there is an opening. Interested individuals and families should be hospitable, have an ability to see the needs of others and respond to them, and be welcoming.
If you have an interest in serving others in this way please contact our Liturgy Director.